
RAG membership required to participate JOIN or RENEW

The Wonders of Painting on Different Surfaces with Judy Kirkland

Wednesday, May 1 at 10am in the studio TO REGISTER call RAG’s Class Registrar Greg Nash at 301-655-1703 or email him at

Georgia O’Keeffe with Alex Michaels

Wednesday, May 15 10am in the studio

TO REGISTER call RAG’s Class Registrar Greg Nash at 301-655-1703 or email him at

Thursday, May 16 9am-4:45pm

REGISTER in the Eyre Travel Office in Clubhouse I or, to register directly at the Eyre website, click on the button below.

Turn Your Photos into Digital Compositions and Then Into Original Paintings with Rick Blakney

Wednesday, June 5 10am in the studio

TO REGISTER call RAG’s Class Registrar Greg Nash at 301-655-1703 or email him at

TO REGISTER call Greg Nash at 301-655-1703 or email him at gorgn@aol.comQuestions about the class: Call Michael Higgs 240-731-2787

Thursdays 4:00pm: May 9 & June 13 in the studio

Bring snacks or soft drinks to share and enjoy puzzles or board games as you chat with fellow RAG Members.

chambered nautilus

WORKSHOP: Inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe with Alex Michaels Wednesday, May 21 at 1pm

Apply what you’ve learned about Georgia O’Keeffe’s style, vision and inspiration to create your own work of art. Materials included in the tuition fee.



Art is Fun with Alex Michaels Mondays, 10am-12 noon 7 weeks starting 4/29/2024

Painting, collage, watercolor, printing and more — Every week you’ll enjoy completing a new art project. This beginners-only class is a comfortable, easy-going way to explore different types of art and media in a friendly and supportive environment. Alex Michaels is a superb teacher who provides plenty of one-on-one time to help you develop your skills. Ask anyone who has taken this popular class what it’s like and they’re sure to say, “It’s SO MUCH FUN!” Plus, everything you need for every project is provided (covered by the $15 materials fee that is included in the tuition).


CLASS: Painting with Bill Mapes Mondays, 1pm -3/pm 7 Weeks, starting 4/29/2024

In this coaching class, go beyond reference photos to paint with your unique style. All skill levels will learn how to do their best work with oils, acrylics, pastels, and other media by improving their mastery of preparation, composition, value, color and color mixing.


RON values

Values & Perspective: Step by Step with Ron Erlich Tuesdays, 10am-noon 7 Weeks, starting 4/30/2024

Bring your materials to class and instructor Ron Erlich will help you learn how to use perspective to add depth to your paintings. You’ll learn the secrets of values, as well, including how to use not just light and dark, but the values of colors themselves to add contrast and impact to your work.


CLASS: Watercolors with Firouzeh Sadeghi Thursdays, 10am-noon 7 Weeks, starting 5/2/2024

All levels. This structured class explores mingling vivid colors to create vibrancy, values to create drama and focal points, and techniques for developing mood and texture.


Drawing: Principles, Tools & Techniques with Firouzeh Sadeghi, Thursdays 1-3pm starting 5/2/2024

Good drawing is a major artform in itself. It is also the best possible preparation for painting. This class is of value to all levels, but especially to beginners. Firouzeh combines guided practice with Old-Master examples to teach the fundamentals and tools of artistic drawing. She also develops students’ skills with assorted drawing media and tools. There is a $10 materials fee included in the tuition that provides drawing media, paper and more so students don’t have to buy anything for class.


CLASS: Watercolors with Alex Michaels Fridays, 10am-noon 7 Weeks, starting5/3/2024

All levels. Explore using strong shapes and values, composition, color and adding other media to your watercolors. Paint from life and interpret photos from your own point of view. Critiques support growth of your individual style.


FREE Drop-in Open Studio times for RAG Members

Use the art studio in Clubhouse I to work on your own. Spread out and create independently while enjoying the company of fellow artists.

The studio is available for independent work during the week when there are no classes, workshops, or other RAG programs. Please check the calendar. In addition these times are regularly available:

RAG Time OPEN STUDIO Saturdays at 10am in the Art Studio. Every Saturday morning, RAG members get together to work in the art studio, enjoy coffee and tea and discuss everything from personal updates to their artworks in progress.

Saturday afternoons, all day Sunday — Art Studio is available all day for independent work